
9 Sep 20142
U2 and Apple took everyone by surprise today.

At the close of the Cupertino launch of the new iPhone and Apple Watch, Apple head Tim Cook spoke of the tech company’s relationship with music before introducing U2 as a surprise guest.

'Music runs deep in Apple's DNA, and runs through the core of all of our products,' said Cook. 'Over that time we've built a deep relationship with the music industry and the artists that make it up … A decade ago we began a deep collaboration with one of the best bands of all time -- and that band is U2. They have agreed to perform for us today.'

The band took the stage for a powerful performance of a brand new song 'The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone)', after which Cook and Bono had a conversation which led to some remarkable news.

The song they'd played was the lead single from a new album 'Songs Of Innocence'.

The album of eleven tracks was finished a week ago and ready for release.

iTunes were now putting it automatically in the music libraries of 500 million customers in 119 countries around the world.

It would be, said Cook, 'the largest album release of all time.'

You can watch the whole event - scroll to 104minutes to catch the band.

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Sign of the times?
'Daddy what's this U2 that's on my itunes?' 'Ah my dear that's one of daddy's favourite bands' 'What are they?' 'Oh i dunno...maybe the biggest band in the world?' 'No daddy, That's One Direction' 'Ahhh bless, so innocent and so naive my child' 'It's true Daddy' 'My darling child, One Direction are a famous band, U2 are a Huuuuuge band!, Just look at my CD Collection' 'What's a CD daddy?' *sighs* 'The things that your itunes and MP3s replaced, Just like CDs replaced vinyl records when Daddy was young' 'Whats a vinyl record daddy?' 'It was a black disc that was played with a special needle on a record player, CDs were played with a laser, we played them instead of cassette tapes as well' 'What's a cassette tape Daddy?' *mutters under breath about contraception and adoption* 'A cassette tape was a magnetic tape, like a floppy disc you used with a computer, it recorded information, in this' 'What's a floppy disc daddy?' 'That's the thing on your Dads computer he has while you play with your expensive iphone,ipad and apple-mac dearest!' 'The big box in the garage with all the wires and old fat screen?' 'That's the one darling' 'I still don't understand Daddy, why do i have it?' 'Because it's a free gift, Look on the bright side it saves you going to a record store to buy it!' 'What's a record store daddy?' 'A place where you go to buy Cds!' 'I thought a record was vinyl and played with needles, why are they selling CDs?' 'Ask your Mother!!'
3 days too late
It is so so sad that my dear husband (Roland Kers) did not get the chance to listen to the new Album. One of your biggest fans, talked about the release of the album for months. Really looking forward to that and he also could not wait to see you guys back on tour again. Since 1995 he never missed one, was present at at least 5 concerts every tour. Sadly he passed away September 6th, 2014 at the age of 46. I (his wife) will be able the listen to the tracks in a little while. Good luck guys and thank you for being in Roland's and my life! All the best, Yvonne
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